Pre-Transplant Education
The following videos provide education and information as it relates to receiving a kidney and/or pancreas transplant through Providence Sacred Heart Transplant Services. Patients seeking a kidney or kidney/pancreas transplant through the Providence Sacred Heart Transplant Program, as well as their designated support person, should view these videos.
Your Nurse Transplant Coordinator will ask if both you and your designated support person have watched the videos. Your Nurse Transplant Coordinator will also review your comprehension of the information and education provided.
Please let your Nurse Transplant Coordinator know if you have any questions or would like additional clarification at 509-474-4500 or 800-667-0502.
Kidney Pre-Transplant Education: Part 1
Kidney Pre-Transplant Education: Part 2
Pancreas Transplant Education
Post-Transplant Education
Transplant Medications