Patient Stories

"I have been a patient at St. Jude for my whole adult life. I love everything about this hospital. They are welcoming, encouraging, patient, loving, caring and everything else that you would expect.

After having three miscarriages, we saw a specialist and were able to become pregnant with our son. When I began my pregnancy journey with St. Jude, I wasn't sure what to expect. Dr. Brian Gray and all of the OBGYN staff were amazing through my pregnancy and even better with my second pregnancy. I had my daughter in January 2016 and and Dr. Gray and Dr. Cortez did an amazing job on my C-Section. I couldn't have asked for a better team to bring my daughter into the world.

In 2010, my husband was taken to the emergency room at St. Jude and needed emergency brain surgery to replace his shunt. They were honest, prompt, quick to react and the nurses took great care of him (even though he is a flirt).

I can't say anything negative about St. Jude and I will recommend this hospital to anyone and everyone!"

- Rebecca S.

"There are no words to express our gratitude and appreciation of the "Angel" Doctors and Nurses in the NICU at St. Jude Medical Center but we will try. On Wednesday, December 14, 2016, through an emergency C-Section, I delivered a beautiful 3.1 lb baby girl 9 weeks early and she was sent to the NICU right after birth. This was the most exciting but scariest time of our lives, but we were reassured by numerous people that she would be fine but she would have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. The nurses and doctors were always there for us from the minute Ella was born, from hugs because I was crying to answering every single question that we had, with caring words. No matter now dumb they might have been. Our daughter was blessed to have so many special people watching over her.

This is our attempt to remember everyone that cared for her: Leilani (Respiratory), Bre, Christine, Patty, Jen, Terry, Candy, Fugi, Lilybeth, Mary, Kenny, Alma, Susanne, Julie, Colleen, Lorna, Elise, Terry, Megan, Brenda, Gail, Cindy, Marilou, Sherrie, Tran, Hilda, Karen, Mary Ann, Grace, Dena; Clarisse, Stacy, Nicole, Jane, Dr. Levine, Dr. Hicks, Dr. Patel, Dr. Baseri and Dr. Shiang. Because of your staff, we felt confident taking her home healthy and knowing that she will continue to grow and thrive in her life. Knowing that we have St. Jude to lean on during our hard times has strengthened my spirituality beliefs. Thank you is not the right word but we don't think there is a word to express what each Nurse and doctor mean to us."

- Jaclyn C.

"St Jude became my home away from home... I had my baby girl November of 2016 and wanted to share my amazing time at St. Jude.

I was admitted after seeing dr Su for my 24 week apt when she informed me I was 1cm dilated and told me to head across the st to labor and delivery she would call to let them know I was coming.
Upon arrival I was told to go straight up thru the elevators. As I walked up a nurse asked if I was Eveline, then was escorted me to a room asked to change into a robe and my nurse and dr would be right with me.
The nurse and drs where absolutely amazing (it was a scary thought to think my Baby could be born at only 24 weeks) they helped calm me, as best as could be expected, and explained what would/could happen and what they would do to help prevent everything and started giving me meds.
Little did I know I would be staying there for 8 weeks as I had on again off again contractions until baby girl was born at 32 weeks.
I got to be familiar with all the drs but big thank you to dr Su (my ob), dr Cortez (helped with a complication I had) and dr Henderson (great man who delivered my baby) they where amazing!!!
The nurses omg if I could name them all!!! I'm pretty sure I had all the nurses from labor and delivery floor at one point or another. I mean 8weeks that 56 days and a 112 nurse shifts, but they where all great! A big thank you to Laura and Amina from mommy baby floor they took such great care of me!! and all the nurses in the NICU that took great care of baby girl for the month she had to stay. Each day I would walk in they would give me updates on my baby and each night when I would leave in tears, because it was so hard to leave her, they would reassure me she was in great hands. Plus the NICU webcam was the best thing ever!"

- Eveline B.

  • Aaron Snyder
  • April Delgadillo-Jolley
  • Ashley Lathrope
  • Bonnie Winthrop
  • Carlos Escobar
  • Dahlia Muhaimin
  • Desiree Garcia
  • Kristina Welch
  • Linda Otsuji
  • Meredith Hughes
  • Michele Fernando
  • Reyna Cruz
  • Teresa Escobar