Vaccines for Children Program

Vaccines for Children serves the San Fernando Valley families by providing childhood immunizations free of charge. Services are provided during the week and on some weekends. Please see the Calander for dates and times.

To make an appointment please call 818-847-3860.
or email [email protected]

Commonly Asked Questions

1. What childhood immunizations do you offer? (Vaccines subject to availability)
  • Childhood immunizations include TDaP/Tetanus, Varicella, MMR, Polio, Hepatitis A & B, HPV, Meningococcal, Pneumococcal, HiB
  • Childhood immunizations are offered for children ages 2-18
  • Influenza (Flu) – offered seasonally
  • COVID-19 (5 years and up)

We will provide you with an updated copy of your immunization record at the end of the visit.

2. Who can receive your free childhood immunizations?

Your child is eligible for free vaccines if he/she is in at least one of these categories:

  • Uninsured
  • Has Medi-Cal
  • Is American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Is receiving a vaccine not covered by insurance
3. What do I need to bring during my child’s visit?
  • A parent or legal guardian (with identification) must be present for children’s immunizations.
  • Please bring a copy of your child’s immunization record. Foreign vaccine record translation is provided at the discretion of clinic staff. Resources will be provided to those for whom in-house translation cannot be provided. Please send the vaccine record to: [email protected]

In addition to vaccines, our knowledgeable, bilingual team can provide low-cost medical clinic information, and other social support services resources such as Medi-Cal, Covered CA, and CalFresh enrollments.