Get Out And Live (GOAL) Diabetes Self-Management

Get Out And Live (G.O.A.L.) is based on the belief that self-care is the most important component to the management of diabetes. Every day we teach and encourage adults who have been diagnosed with diabetes how to eat healthier, be more active and make more informed decisions. With this education and support a person can prevent long-term complications from diabetes – such as amputations, heart problems and blindness – and improve the quality of their life.

G.O.A.L. launched in 2008 with a staff trained in Stanford University’s Diabetes Self-Management Curriculum. We offer the free 9-week prevention course in clinic and community settings. This intervention couples six self-care education modules with three physical activity classes and/or hands-on nutrition activities.

Adults who complete the program have shown improvements in their self-assessment of health, confidence in their ability to self-manage their diabetes and their A1C levels (a measure of blood glucose over time)

For more information or to sign up for a course (available in-person and via Zoom) please contact us at 310-514-5483 or [email protected]. Click here to learn more about our other free, health education programs.

A Letter from Sylvia; A Graduate of G.O.A.L.

The following letter was written by Sylvia, a graduate of the G.O.A.L. program. Thank you Sylvia for sharing your story with us.

I just wanted to write you a brief letter thanking you and the staff of G.O.A.L. (Get Out And Live). 

When I was diagnosed with Diabetes, my sugar level was out of control. (365)  I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to.  By chance I was at the (Providence) Wilmington Center on Hawaiian Avenue for another purpose and picked up your flyer.

THANK GOD! I finally contacted someone who gave me the information on the location and class schedule for the class in San Pedro.

It changed my life. I did not want to eat any sugar or carbs before attending the class. I was afraid everything would affect my sugar level. I never knew prior to the class how many carbs, fat or amount of sodium I should have been consuming.   However, the information your class provided got me on task.  I now wake up every morning and test my sugar level to find it usually in the 90’s.  I am happy to say I am not afraid to eat, and I know what I can and cannot eat.  Everything the class taught me was valuable to me. I always said in the class that this information should be mandatory in the school systems. As an educator I know this information would be valuable to my high school students who eat hot Cheetos every day.

Well my brief letter turned out a little longer than I expected. I just cannot thank you enough and please keep the program around. I am sending people your way to be educated like I was.

Sylvia F.