After completion of high school or obtaining a General Educational Development (GED) certificate, eight specific prerequisite college courses must be completed from a regionally-accredited college or university (national accreditation is not accepted without approval) before beginning training at Covenant School of Nursing.
Prerequisite courses must be from a regionally-accredited college or university with a minimum grade of "C." To qualify to apply, you must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher in the required prerequisite courses. The most-recent prerequisite grade will be used to calculate the prerequisite GPA. CLEP credit is accepted in English I, English II and has to be on the official transcript. Dual Credit, AP or CLEP is accepted for the applicable courses if the grade meets school requirements. Please make sure that all Dual Credit, AP or CLEP credit is on the official transcript.
If you have questions regarding a prerequisite course that you have taken, please contact our office. The Admissions and Recruitment offices are available by appointment to applicants for academic guidance during the pre-nursing phase of completing these required courses.
CLEP English Information
English I College Composition
English II Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
CLEP College Credit Policy Search
Note: the English Department at Texas State does NOT award credit for the CLEP exam titled "College Composition Modular"
Some of the area COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES prerequisite course numbers are on the Courses Chart page.
- Covenant School of Nursing RN & LVN-RN Prerequisite Chart (Texas Courses)
- Covenant School of Nursing RN & LVN-RN Prerequisite Chart (New Mexico courses)
All colleges and universities have different course numbers
Please contact the recruiter to specify the course number from any college/university.
- English I
- English II
- Human Growth and Development
- Nutrition
- Chemistry (with lab)
- *Human Anatomy & Physiology I (with lab)*
- *Human Anatomy & Physiology II (with lab)*
- Microbiology (with lab)
*A&P I and A&P II* must have been completed within the last ten years.
Five out of eight prerequisites must be completed before the application deadline. (Please keep in mind that you must have completed at least two science courses.)
If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please email the Recruiter, Katie Martin or the Admissions Officer, Lauren Bruington.
To make an appointment, please call and ask for the Admissions Officer, 806-725-8902 or Recruiter, 806-725-8936.