Collaborative support for high acuity, complex patients
Patients who are critically ill have many concurrent and emergent needs throughout their ICU stay and have some of the highest cost impacts in healthcare delivery organizations. Providence TeleICU services enhances support for your local ICU care team, providing access to experienced critical care clinicians, including nocturnal intensivists and 24/7 critical care support.
TeleICU can reduce length of stay in the ICU and the patient’s overall hospital stay through timely, expert, and collaborative support for high acuity, complex patients. Access to critical care expertise to help manage ICU patients can also help patients close to home and avoid transfer to higher-acuity facilities.
Proven Outcomes
Intensivist-led care in the ICU has been demonstrated to improve outcomes by providing timely, expert, and collaborative support for high acuity, complex patients.
Integrating TeleICU into your care model can extend this critical care expertise to where it is most needed, increasing safety and quality of care. As an integrated part of your care team, our program can help provide readily accessible expertise to support your team in achieving these goals.
Quality |
Access |
Value |
Experience |