Volunteering with PMG Patient and Family Advisory Program

At Providence Medical Group, your voice counts. Join us as a patient and family advisor and share your perspective of how we can improve healthcare for you and your family.

Being a patient and family advisor means:

  • Sharing your knowledge and opinion
  • Partnering with us to improve patient experience
  • Attending meetings with Providence Medical Group patient and family advisors and staff

Apply Online

How do we Engage our Patient and Family Advisors?

  • Patient and Family Advisory Councils: Partnership between Providence Medical Group and patients – ensuring Providence continues a patient-centered focus around our programs and policies.
  • Sub-committees and projects: Patient and family advisors are contributors in patient education, communication and strategic planning.
  • On-line advising: Patient and family advisors respond to surveyed questions in their designated healthcare interest areas.

Patient and Family Advisory Council accomplishments

  • The after-visit summary provides patients and families with relevant information and an instruction for their visit but Chief Medical Officer Benjamin LeBlanc was told by several advisory council members that they had never received an after-visit summary. The discovery prompted him to follow up with the clinics and reinforce their importance. Additionally, the council has made a number of recommendations and created educational videos and posters that have helped increase usage of the reports.
  • Patient-centered medical home: Patient and family advisors were part of health care redesign meetings which helped inform how we can communicate our new team based healthcare model to our patients. Our advisors also created the patient-centered medical home video.
  • Ongoing review of patient education materials including posters and handouts.

Leadership praises the advisory councils

“The advisory council is making amazing accomplishments. We need to have all our providers exposed to what they’re telling us, because it’s transforming how we think about the care we provide.”
– Benjamin LeBlanc, M.D., chief medical officer, Providence Medical Group

“When we hear that a policy or signage isn’t working for patients, we need to be willing to change it. With our support, the council has really taken ownership of the after-visit summary report, and is championing it with physicians and patients. I encourage all clinical areas at Providence to listen to the voice of their patients and customers, because it will improve care and raise patient satisfaction.”
– Cindy Klug, director of clinical innovation and transformation, Providence Medical Group

Who are we looking for?

  • An individual or family member who receives care at Providence Medical Group
  • Someone with interest sharing their care experiences
  • Respect of different opinions and an ability to work well with others

Your time commitment

This is a volunteer position. Most Patient and Family Advisory Council meetings are held monthly. Depending on your involvement, you may be asked to participate for 2 to 6 hours each month.

Contact us

Apply Online

Email us: [email protected]