Providence caregivers volunteer to mentor students around the world

Providence Global Programs partners with Global Mentorship Initiative (GMI) to provide career development for college students around the world through one-on-one virtual mentorship. Caregivers volunteer to guide students as they prepare to enter the workforce. The experience is fulfilling to caregivers and supports students at a pivotal moment in their careers.   

Those who receive mentorship are students in under-resourced schools and communities, refugees and others early in their career. GMI strives to create equitable access to career development so more students have the skills and resources to create a better life for themselves and their families.   

The program includes 12 weekly one-hour sessions where mentees learn soft skills, such as communication and confidence, and identify career goals. Mentors follow a structured curriculum but amplify it with their personal experience. Throughout the 12 weeks, students build their resume, learn about networking, develop measurable goals for skill-building, prepare for job interviews and learn career search techniques.   

Since first partnering with GMI, 94 Providence mentors have contributed 1,155 volunteer hours and mentored 80 students from marginalized communities across eight countries.    

A student in Nicaragua expressed her appreciation for her mentorship experience with a Providence caregiver.   

“Many thanks to my Mentor who gives me her unconditional support and guidance,” said Anielka, a Providence mentee. “All the skills and knowledge that I have acquired will definitely help my personal and professional development.”   

Learn more about the program and apply to be a mentor online here.