Hospital School Program


Hospital School Program

The Hospital School Program is designed to accommodate for the educational needs of school-aged children throughout the hospital, especially those who are not able to attend school for some time. We do this by not only providing in-person tutoring for patients who are in the hospital, but also by communicating with schools from all over the region to address their student’s specific needs. We act as the liaison between the hospital and the schools. We can assist the student by calling to excuse absences, arrange schoolwork for the student to work on while they are unable to attend in person, participate in reintegration meetings to help in their return to school, or provide diagnoses to aide in setting up 504 plans or IEP (Individualized Educational Plans). Our job is to be advocates for children and families who are going through a major health crisis and encourage them to continue their education while here in the hospital, and at the same time, encourage them to continue their education.

From preschool to college, we work with any child or family throughout the hospital that would like to utilize our services. We have worked with children on all units throughout the Children’s Hospital (Pediatric Oncology Unit, Outpatient Pediatric Oncology Clinic, PCCA-Adolescent Psychology, General Pediatrics Pediatric Emergency Room, and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.)

Currently, we have an office and classroom on the 3rd floor of the Children’s Hospital in the Pediatric Oncology unit. However, we can meet with students all over the hospital and provide bed side tutoring or academic support. We are also an active part of the Adolescent Psychology Unit (PCCA) and are currently working on creating another classroom in that unit.

Tutoring/classroom instruction
  • Provide individual instruction at bedside. We can tutor roughly up to 6 individual students per day, depending upon volunteer support.
  • Offer a scheduled school time on our Adolescent Psych Unit.
  • The classroom on 3E is typically open and available from 8am-4pm for students who would like to have a change of scenery to study, do schoolwork, or browse our classroom library. Contact Hospital School Staff to arrange time in the classroom.
Coordination with local school counselor or teachers
  • Communication with the school/teacher about what brought the child to the hospital and excuse absences or arrange schoolwork that can be done while unable to attend school.
  • Advocate for modified assignments or schedule changes depending on the student’s specific medical needs.
  • Pick up school materials and turn in completed assignments.
  • Pass off any hospital documents or doctors notes to the school for their records.
  • Forward possible accommodation recommendations to the school. Counselor and families create a 504 plan or IEP (Individualized Education Plans) for their student.
  • Participate in reintegration meetings with the student’s school and family so their return to school plan is appropriate for that individual student and try to make the process stress-free.
  • Send a referral for a Home-Hospital Teacher, if the school district offers this service and the child is expected to be out of school for more than 4 weeks.
  • Participate in care conferences with the hospital team.

Jenn Lee Headshot
Jenn Lee

Hospital School Educational Coordinator

Jenn has been working for the Hospital School since 2020. Although, she has been working at Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital since 1995. First, she worked as a Pediatric Nursing Assistant and a Pediatric ER Department Assistant/Secretary before getting her master’s in teaching in 2018. After getting her teaching degree, she worked as a substitute teacher, a middle school math teacher for a year, and a first-grade teacher for another year. She was then hired to re-build the Hospital School program after it had been shut down for several months at the beginning of COVID. She has also been on the Special Education Advisory Board for the state of WA, where she discusses all the educational needs for students with IEP’s. She has amazing experience of not only navigating the medical system and the special educational field, but also working with kids and families of all ages. She is passionate about helping families navigate the many educational challenges that arise when a student has a medical diagnosis and are unable to attend school. Jenn has a husband (Robert), three children (Mecayla, Tyler, and Angie) and 3 cats, a dog, and a bird! On the weekends, she is often busy attending fun activities with her kids or singing for her church’s praise team.

Email: [email protected]
Office phone number: 509-474-3506

Anna Christensen headshot
Anna Christensen

Hospital School Teacher

Anna is our Hospital School Teacher here at Sacred Heart. After getting her bachelor’s in education in 2011, she spent many years substitute teaching off and on while also spending time at home with her three little children. She had a 4-year stint working as a general assistant for a local construction company before finally coming back to her roots of teaching. She loves her job working with children of all ages throughout the hospital. She is passionate about being an advocate for students who are experiencing the stress of not being able to attend school due to their health crisis. She finds joy in helping children maintain the normalcy of life by continuing their education even while they are in the hospital. She has three children (Katiyanna, Isaiah, and Cynthia) and loves staying active by traveling, hiking, and spending time at the lake in the summer.

Email: [email protected]
Office phone number: 509-474-2466

Hospital school volunteers

The Hospital School Program has several amazing volunteers who meet with students throughout the hospital. Most are retired teachers. Each of our volunteers have a heart to address the educational needs of children who are unable to attend school. They can provide one-on-one bedside tutoring or supply educational activities, games, or books. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering.