Visual Resources Reproduction

Orders for reproductions of visual resources are placed with the Providence Archives staff. In placing an order, the user indicates an understanding of and agreement with the conditions outlined below.

Conditions Of Visual Resources Reproduction

  • Providence Archives strives to make reproductions of material available to researchers. However, the long-term preservation of the collections is of paramount concern, and supercedes all other exigencies; duplication of holdings may be denied at the discretion of the Archivist.
  • While we make every effort to communicate the requirements of duplication requests to off-site vendors, Providence Archives cannot guarantee their work or dates of delivery.
  • Receipt of visual resource reproductions does not imply that permission for publication or exhibition has been granted; the researcher must complete an Application for Permission to Publish or Exhibit form prior to use.

Analog Reproduction

  • Reprints are produced by a photographic studio approved by Providence Archives. The user will in most cases pay the vendor directly for services. The user assumes responsibility for all laboratory costs, including reprinting, production of a negative when necessary, taxes, and shipping. Copy negatives become the property of Providence Archives. Negatives are not available for loan or purchase.
  • Providence Archives uses the services of an outside vendor for any analog photographic reproduction. Please ask for a price quote. Shipping charges will be added, and in some cases Providence Archives may charge additional shipping and handling charges to cover delivery of originals to the vendor.

Digital Reproduction

  • Most flat items up to 8.5 x 14 inches in size can be scanned at Providence Archives. Oversize and other items with special requirements require the services of an outside vendor which will be selected by Providence Archives.
  • Providence Archives provides .JPEG and .TIFF file types for reproductions of still images. While many .JPEG files can be delivered via email attachment, most .TIFF files must be delivered on disk due to file size restrictions. Providence Archives cannot deliver files via FTP.
  • Providence Archives is not responsible for technical issues preventing the receipt of images delivered via email such as inbox size limitations.

Fees For Digital Reproduction

.JPEG image files
(usually deliverable via email if the total does not exceed 7 MB)
$5.00 each
.TIFF image files
(usually NOT deliverable via email due to file size, requires creation of a compact disk)
$5.00 each
Compact disk
(required for most .TIFF files and large numbers of .JPEG files)
$5.00 each
(in addition to per-image fees and shipping/handling)
Shipping/handling $5.00

Motion-Picture And Video Reproduction

All requests for duplication of original videotapes and motion-picture films must be priced on a case-by-case basis. Due to the fragility of these media, the researcher may be required to pay for an additional copy of the item to be retained by Providence Archives, as well as additional fees to cover hand-delivery of these items to the vendor.

To Order Reproductions

General Public
If you are a member of the general public and wish to order a reproduction of an image, please complete our Request Form. If you have located an item on our online database, be sure to include Image Number or Temporary Control Number.

Providence Employees
Employees of Providence Health & Services or Sisters of Providence should contact Peter F. Schmid, Visual Resources Archivist at [email protected] or 206-923-4012. If you have located an item on our online database, be sure to include Image Number or Temporary Control Number.

For more information on reproduction, contact [email protected] or call 206-923-4012.