Spiritual Care

We are here for the health of your body, mind, and spirit. We trust that your unique spirituality is what makes you who you are, and we are committed to supporting spiritual health. Chaplains are here to support the emotional and spiritual well-being of our caregivers, patients, and their loved ones. Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey, we are here for you.

Our professional chaplains are skilled and trained to care for the whole person (mind, body, and spirit) coming from any spiritual and faith backgrounds or practices. As wonderfully unique persons, we are created with a sense of connection, relatedness, meaning, and purpose. This can be understood as a person’s spirituality, and it may be viewed through the lens of a particular religion, faith tradition or practice, or a connection outside of established spiritualities. Our professional chaplains are available to you to support your spiritual needs.

Spiritual caregiving teams at Providence are composed of highly trained chaplains who provide confidential and nonjudgmental support to individuals facing illness.

These men and women are educated professionals who understand how to apply their theological expertise to specific medical situations. Using their knowledge, they focus on helping patients understand the deeper spiritual meaning of suffering, sickness, health and wellness.

They serve each patient as members of the health care team, working in partnership with physicians, nurses, therapists and other health care professionals to complement their work.

Whatever your beliefs may be, chaplains are dedicated to empowering and supporting you in times of crises. They serve as a resource and advocate for you in your search for inner peace. Chaplains offer spiritual guidance when confronting significant life situations, such as:

  • Life-changing medical diagnoses
  • Ethical and end-of-life issues
  • Grief
  • Unresolved spiritual issues (such as guilt, shame or fear)
  • Conflicts in your belief system
  • Feelings of abandonment
  • Loss of hope

Emotional and spiritual care can play an important role in enhancing your body’s healing systems. Along with professional medical support, spiritual care services may include:

  • Chaplain availability 24 hours/day
  • Chapels open to all
  • Catholic Mass, sacraments, worship services
  • Communication with your personal rabbi, priest, imam, minister or other spiritual leader
  • Meditation rooms
  • Religious services broadcast
  • Spiritual reading materials
  • Advance Directive assistance

Providence Chaplains in our Spiritual Care departments are committed to seeing that your faith, beliefs and values are honored while you are here and to providing you with excellent care.