When someone you love is suffering from a serious illness, there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to comfort that person, to take away some of the pain and anxiety. Providence offers a special service called music-thanatology, also called prescriptive music, to help your loved one relax and cope with the symptoms they’re experiencing.
Clear. Crisp. Peaceful and flowing. With music-thanatology, the soothing sounds of live harp music and soft singing will help your loved one rest more comfortably.
At Providence, we offer music-thanatology to patients who are very ill or at the end of their lives. Our specially trained performers tailor their music and voice to respond to a patient's changing condition and vital signs. The gentle music relieves anxiety and helps patients cope with pain, breathing difficulty and sleeplessness. Through music, we offer patients and families a sense of peace and serenity.
Music-thanatology, or prescriptive music, is a type of palliative care that provides physical, emotional and spiritual comfort for:
- People battling a serious or terminal illness
- People for whom life support has just been removed
- Family members and friends who are there to support the patient
- Anyone can request prescriptive music – patients, family members or healthcare providers.
Prescriptive music offers many potential benefits. The music:
- Eases fear, sadness and anger
- Helps patient sleep or rest more comfortably
- Lessens pain
- Provides deep relaxation
- Provides physical, emotional and spiritual comfort
- Reduces anxiety and agitation
- Relieves respiratory distress
Family members and friends find the music sessions to be comforting too.