two men playing soccer

Post Concussive Services

1202.5 miles away
509-473-6869 (Refer a patient)
Fax: 509-392-5685
509-473-6869 (Refer a patient)
Fax: 509-392-5685
1202.5 miles away

Post-concussive syndrome is typically associated with a head injury. The head injury may be categorized as a concussion or a mild traumatic brain injury where medical problems can persist weeks to months after the event.

St. Luke's provides an interdisciplinary treatment approach that addresses all the common symptoms of post concussive syndrome and mild head injury. The team works collaboratively to provide individualized therapy for the variety of individual needs in this patient population in order to enhance recovery.

It is recommended to refer a patient if the following symptoms persist after head trauma:

Physical therapy
  • Dizziness/vestibular
  • Headache
  • Balance issues
  • Vision changes (gaze instability, light sensitivity)
Occupational therapy
  • Behavior changes/irritability
  • Vision perception changes (double, blurred)
Speech language pathology
  • Attention problems
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Memory loss
  • Unintelligible speech 
  • Diminish severity of symptoms
  • Promote prior level of activity
  • Enhance ability to return to work / school
  • Improve quality of life
  • Address secondary symptoms of depression / anxiety

To refer your patient, contact (509) 473-6869 or fax (509) 473-6097.