Weight Loss Surgery Webinar
Find Out if Surgery is Right For You
Congratulations on taking a huge step in improving your health!
This webinar will show you what you can expect from weight loss surgery, how to identify whether you are a candidate, and how the Bariatric Surgery Program at St. Joseph Hospital, Orange may change your life.
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Once you've watched the webinar, fill out the form and we will email you our welcome packet and follow up with a phone call to discuss next steps.
For questions, contact us at 714-771-8298.
Introduction to Bariatric SurgeryLearn about surgical weight loss options.
Chapter 1 - Obesity and Weight Loss OptionsWhy consider weight loss surgery?
Chapter 2 - Bariatric Surgery and Who Should Consider ItLearn about common types of bariatric surgery, and risks and benefits.
Chapter 3 - The Patient Pathway and Preparing for SurgeryFind out how to prepare for bariatric surgery.
Chapter 4 - What to Expect During Your Surgery and RecoverySurgery procedure and recovery process.
Chapter 5 - Life After Bariatric SurgeryLearn how weight loss surgery will impact your life and how to build a support network.
Seminario de Cirugía BaraátricaConozca las opciones quirúrgicas para perder peso.
La Obesidad, Opciones Para Bajar De Peso¿Por qué considerar la cirugía para bajar de peso?
Para Quién Es La Cirugía BariátricaTipos comunes de cirugía bariátrica; riesgos y beneficios.
Los Pasos Necesarios Para Prepararte Para La OperaciónCómo prepararse para la cirugía bariátrica.
Qué Esperar Durante La Cirugía Y La RecuperaciónProcedimiento quirúrgico y proceso de recuperación.
La Vida Después De Cirugía BariátricaDescubra cómo la cirugía para bajar de peso afectará su vida y cómo construir una red de apoyo.