Medical Staff Services
This site is for the exclusive use of the members of the Medical Staff, Advanced Practice Providers and Fellows at Providence Saint John’s Health Center.
The Providence Saint John’s Health Center, Medical Staff website offers practitioners access to information, current events, policies, bylaws and other resources of interest. We welcome your feedback.
The Medical Staff Services Department provides operational support to the medical staff, advanced practice providers and leaders. Functions include management of credentialing (initial and reappointment), clinical privileges/privileging, staff status, Focused Professional Practice Evaluation (FPPE)/Proctoring process, Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) process, peer review, meeting management, training/education (fellowship programs) and continuing education.
The Medical Staff Services Department works collaboratively with the medical staff to meet regulatory requirements which include assurance to the governing board that quality care is provided to patients.
EPIC 24/7 Support Team: 855-415-8188
Clinical Informatics: Send an email
To Apply/Reapply for Membership and/or Privileges please use one of the following methods.
- Electronic payment
- Check - Make all checks payable to:
Providence Saint John's Health Center
ATTN: Medical Staff Services/Payments*
2020 Santa Monica Blvd
Suite 340
Santa Monica, CA 90404
*List either Initial Application or Reappointment and Provider’s Name