Adult Behavioral Sleep Services
Our Approach
Providence offers behavioral sleep services including cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) as well as behavioral treatments for other sleep disorders such as circadian rhythm disorders, nightmares, and hypersomnolence disorders.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is a non-medical approach shown by research to be as effective as medication in the short-term and more effective in the long-term. This treatment approach harnesses the body’s own natural drives to sleep to overcome what are often learned, habitual physiological and mental states disrupting sleep. This service is generally provided over 4 to 8 visits that are 30-60 mins in length, 2-4 weeks apart.
CBT-I includes:
- Assessment of sleep history, day and nighttime habits, and stress and coping factors
- Education about physiological and behavioral sleep processes
- Identification of unique environmental, behavioral, circadian, and sleep need factors that may be negatively affecting sleep quality
- Adjusting sleep scheduling based on identified factors maintaining insomnia
- Improving sleep environment and bedtime routines to increase sleep quality
- Learning relaxation and cognitive strategies to manage stress, tension, and worry.
Appointments are offered at PMG Psychiatry Clinic East in-person or by virtual video visit Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
A referral from your healthcare provider who has diagnosed you with a sleep disorder must be sent to PMG Psychiatry Clinic East in order to schedule.