Card of Thanks

Printed in The Nonpareil, Vol. 2, No. 6, February 1902

"The Sisters of the House of Providence are most grateful to their numerous friends for the many expressions and proofs of sympathy of which they were the recipients on the occasion of the death of their beloved Mother Joseph. Special thanks are due to Most Rev. A. Christi, Rt. Rev. E.J. O'Dea and the clergy of the Cathedral, to Rev Chas. O'Reilly and to all the Rev. Clergy and Religious Communities who were represented at the obsequies; to the Brothers of St. James' College, to Mr. J. Dunning of Portland, who generously donated a handsome casket and use of hearse for the dear departed one; to Dr. DeWitt Connell for his services so graciously given--for his kind attention to Mother Joseph during her illness. To Supt. Watson of the School for Defective Youth and the Officials of the U.S. Post for use of carriages.--In fine, to all who in any way made manifest their sympathy on this occasion.

"Kindness in affliction is a boon beyond thanks. And the Sisters can only pray for those friends in union with the poor, the sick, the suffering and the orphans for whom it is their sweetest mission to labor."

When Mother Joseph returned to Vancouver from her last trip to Montreal in 1899, she brought with her a printing press and bookbinding tools. The students at Providence Academy used the press to publish their monthly newspaper, The Nonpareil, for several years beginning in 1900. Subscriptions, at 50¢ per year, were sold to parents, clergy, and other benefactors of the school.

(22) Providence Academy, Vancouver, WA:
Publications, The Nonpareil, 1900-1903
Providence Archives, Seattle, WA